There are 3 main types of hearing aid: BTEs (Behind the Ears), RICs (Receiver in the Canal) and ITEs (In the Ear).
BTE Parts
Sound enters the microphone and is processed and amplified within the body. It then travels down the tube and out the sound bore.
The sound bore sits in the ear canal and is held in place by a custom earmould or dome.

RIC Parts
Sound enters the microphone and is the processed within the body. It then travels down the receiver wire to be amplified by the receiver (speaker).
The receiver is covered by a filter and held in the ear canal by a dome or cShell (custom shell).

ITE Parts
Sound enters the microphone and is processed and amplified within the body which is custom designed to fit in the user's ear.
Sound leaves the body out of an opening which is covered by a filter.